The amusement park trains are also called the mini electric train and it is equipped with tracks,
which is very popular and attractive. The park track train ride is also the popular designed
amusement park equipment and can be widely seen in small amusement park, indoor and outdoor
playground. The amusement park track train can attract a great majority of visitors for the parks,
especially many kids. Modern is always the best and top manufacturer of quality amusement park trains for sale in China.
And the track of the kiddie train can be double track, monorail overhead and the regular
park trains and the length of the track is adjustable according to customers’ requirements.
The running speed is 6-8r/min and the mini trains are equipped with MP3 player to play beautiful music.
Riders riding on the backyard trains you can ride moving along the round track or 8-type track happily.
Our hot sale track trains for kids are the big elephant track trains, ocean themed track trains and
Christmas park trains. The elephant amusement train rides has elephant locomotive and the
carriages are decorated with deer, trees, flashing LED, making riders feel they are taking
adventure in the forest. The ocean carnival train is often with a big fish locomotive and
various sea animals and it will let kids feel they are in deep sea and play with various fishes.
Besides, our new Christmas mini electric track trains are aiming to the coming Christmas in
December. The Christmas park trains are composed of the Santa Claus locomotive and carriages
with snow, snowman, Christmas tree, Christmas gifts, etc. When riding on this Christmas trains
with Christmas songs, children will feel they are now Christmas Eve and they are Santa Claus
to send gifts to others. How interesting and perhaps no kids can refuse this games.
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